Phoenix Comic Con 2011 has come and gone. As an exhibitor, we got to have all day, full access, which was nice, but running a booth... exhausting! I was there with the Arizona Avengers, a non-profit costuming group. I also got to spend, what felt like 5 minutes, some time being a fan and wore my Wonder Woman costume, took a picture with Leonard Nemoy, and stood in long lines haha. So things I learned this year:
1) Preview Night is quite busy and costumes are a must.
2) You need a minion dressed in civies to run the booth because if you are wearing a costume, people will want you in the pictures.
3) Get a hotel room!!! We bummed for dressing in and out of costumes, but also recommend to negate that long ride in and out everyday.
4) Carry your camera and get pics taken because out of the thousands of pictures you pose for, you will find 20.
5) Take time to be a fan. All work and no play makes for some wear down.
and last but not least... Stan Lee is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
We were so lucky as a group to be chosen to take our pic with Stan. He was so nice and shook all our hands and thanked us as we gushed and thanked him for being... well him.
I was honored to stand next to him and he turned, smiled up at me, and said hello, and I just giggled as first. It took me a second to collect myself and say, "hello Mr Lee, thanks for taking this picture", profound, aren't I :)
The booth was alot of fun. We raised $700 for Tracie's Tooth Fairy, a non profit that helps to give cancer patients back their smiles after chemo. Our booth was across from the 501st and next to the Brown Coats, so we were surrounding by Star Wars Troopers and Firefly fans (YAY!)
I saw alot of amazing costumes! One of my favorites was these little kids! If I ever adopt these will be my children!! Amazing costumes!
One of the reasons I wish I had my camera was all the costumes I missed! I stole some from other photographers on flickr and facebook, but I am still looking for others.
One of the best things about con and meeting new costumers and also hanging out the friends you have already made!
Doesn't my my friend Jackie look beautiful as Zatanna! And that is my little hulking doll I made (Stan Lee held him!)
Now I just have to start getting ready for next year and all the cons in between!